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Hotel Management

Methods to Effectively Lower Online Hotel Booking Abandonment



The way motels get reservations has changed as a result of technology. Today, travelers can conveniently schedule a hotel stay with a few keystrokes.  However, the percentage of cancelled reservations in the travel industry alone is 81%. These are travelers who would purchase an airline ticket but would not follow through with payment. As a result, it is ultimately scrapped.  The same thing takes place on motel websites. Yes, a few things are beyond your influence. However, there are steps a hotelier can take to lessen cancellations. (to an extent, if not completely eliminated). So, if you have been wondering about how to fix hotel booking abandonment, then this article is for you.

Unfinished reservations account for $1.8 trillion in potential future earnings, according to research. And these are the top five reasons guests cancel their hotel reservations:

  • Travelers were assessing the potential cost of reservations for various dates.
  • The unexpected fees stunned the visitors.
  • The booking procedure is drawn-out and tiresome.
  • There was a technical problem with your hotel’s website.
  • You are not providing their chosen mode of payment

Tips to Lower Website Hotel Booking Abandonment

Simplify the reservation procedure: When it is challenging to get an affordable room during their preferred dates, guests dislike it. This entails asking visitors to your website to predict if a room will be available on the specified dates and completing a long form.

UI/UX should be improved: Enhancing the user experience of your hotel website is another strategy to decrease hotel booking abandonment in addition to streamlining the booking process. The usability of your calendar may be the first thing you wish to enhance. As much as feasible, use the current date plus one for both the check-in and check-out dates. Make sure that anytime a guest chooses a new date, the check-out date will adjust appropriately (plus one).

Make your website mobile-friendly: A bad mobile experience is one of the factors that contribute to hotel booking cancellations. That is to say, a lot of hotel websites are not mobile-friendly. They lose the race at this point.

Create special discounts for direct bookings: Many websites ignore this or do not actively promote it. But if you don’t make it clear, how will your intended customer base know that you want them to make a direct booking with you?  You must therefore devise a unique offer just for direct reservations.

Provide a range of payment choices: Studies show that 10% of clients become disoriented throughout the checkout process. The more options a tourist has for paying for their reservation, the happier they will be to complete it.  Now, they’ll become dissatisfied if they can’t find their preferred payment option. Although credit and debit cards are among the most widely used methods of making online purchases, this isn’t always the case.